Annual Reports
Creator: McPherson County (Kan.)
Date: 1877-1966
Level of Description: Series
Material Type: Government record
Call Number:
MF1199-MF1202, MF1207-MF1225 (1877-1966.)
Unit ID: 196785
Space Required/Quantity: Microfilm
Title (Main title): Annual Reports
Scope and Content
Scope and content: Annual reports of district clerk to county superintendent and county superintendent to state superintendent, showing date; school district number; school census; enrollment by grades and sex; length of term; names and salaries of superintendents, principals, and teachers; names and terms of district board members elected; number of school buildings and rooms; volumes in libraries; value of school property and assessed valuation of district; financial statement; rate and amount of school levy; budget adopted at school meetings; number of pupils promoted and graduated; number of organized districts; number of physically handicapped children; report on school transportation; summary of health supervision; report of truant officer. In numerical order by school district within each year on some microfilm reels; majority of reels are organized strictly numerically, with all years grouped together for that district.
No Locators Identified
- MF 1199: NO LTR/NUM 1903-1904
- MF 1200: School districts #1-122 1905-1905
- MF 1201: NO LTR/NUM 1906-1907
- MF 1202: NO LTR/NUM 1910-1910
- MF 1207: DISTRICTS 001-008 1877-1966
- MF 1208: DISTRICTS 009-015 1877-1966
- MF 1209: DISTRICTS 016-022 1877-1966
- MF 1210: DISTRICTS 023-029 1877-1966
- MF 1211: DISTRICTS 030-036 1877-1966
- MF 1212: DISTRICTS 037-041 1877-1966
- MF 1213: DISTRICTS 042-047 1877-1966
- MF 1214: DISTRICTS 048-056 1877-1966
- MF 1215: DISTRICTS 057-062 1877-1966
- MF 1216: DISTRICTS 063-068 1877-1966
- MF 1217: DISTRICTS 069-072 1877-1966
- MF 1218: DISTRICTS 073-080 1877-1966
- MF 1219: DISTRICTS 081-088 1877-1966
- MF 1220: DISTRICTS 089-097 1877-1966
- MF 1221: DISTRICTS 098-107 1877-1966
- MF 1222: DISTRICTS 108-118 1877-1966
Index Terms
McPherson County (Kan.) -- History -- 20th century
School census -- Kansas -- McPherson County
School children -- Kansas -- McPherson County
Creators and Contributors
Agency Classification:
Local Government Agencies. McPherson County.
Local Government Agencies. McPherson County. Schools. Supt of Public Instruction.