Vital Statistics Register
Creator: Reno County. County Offices
Date: 1890-1911
Level of Description: Series
Material Type: Government record
Call Number:
AR1426 (1890-1911.)
Unit ID: 197071
Space Required/Quantity:
- 1.00 Microfilm roll(s) (35mm)
Title (Main title): Vital Statistics Register
Scope and Content
Scope and content: Registers with information written in concerning births, deaths, contagious diseases, physicians and accoucheurs (individuals who assist at births, such as obstetricians), and funerals. Provide basic information only. For example, births include names of parents and child, date and place of birth, etc; deaths give name of individual/age/occupation, date of and reason for death, marital status, etc; marriages provide names of bride and groom, age, where and when married, etc; contagious diseases note who was sick and with what, residence, age, possible complications, course of treatment, etc; physicians and accoucheurs give professional's name, college attended, years in practice and year of registration, etc. Not all grouped together by type of register on the microfilm.
No Locators Identified
- AR 1426: 1890-1911 1890-1911
- AR 1426: NO LTR/NUM 1890-1911
Index Terms
Reno County (Kan.) -- Registers
Reno County (Kan.) -- Statistics, Vital
Agency Classification:
Local Government Agencies. Reno County. County Offices.