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Card File

Creator: Rush County. Probate Court

Date: 1882-2004

Level of Description: Series

Material Type: Government record

Call Number: Unavailable

Unit ID: 198571

Space Required/Quantity: Microfilm only

Title (Main title): Card File

Scope and Content

Scope and content: Information provided on index cards includes name, case number, and dates filed and closed. Can also sometimes include other information, such as type of case, attorney's name, etc. In alphabetical order.


No Locators Identified


  • MF 6655 no. 5: A to E 1882-2004
  • MF 6656: F to R 1882-2004
  • MF 6657: S to Z 1882-2004

Index Terms


    Rush County (Kan.)
    Probate courts -- Kansas -- Rush County
    Probate records -- Kansas -- Rush County -- Indexes

Agency Classification:

    Local Government Agencies. Rush County. Courts. Probate Court.