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Creator: Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen)
Material Type(s): Government Record
Material Type(s): Government Record
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ID | Title | Creator | Date | Material Type & Level | Online? |
473444 | Bank Commisioner | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919-1920 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473445 | Bank Commisioner - Investigation | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1920 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473446 | Barber Board | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919-1923 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473447 | Bickerdyke Home | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919-1923 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473448 | Bills, recalled of signed | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919 | Government record (Folder) | No |
474166 | Board of Examiners in Optomertry | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1920 | Government record (Folder) | No |
474100 | Board of Health | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | Jan. 20 to May 10, 1919 | Government record (Folder) | No |
474101 | Board of Health | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | June 30, 1919, to Jan. 6, 1920 | Government record (Folder) | No |
474102 | Board of Health Reports on Inspections of State Institutions | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919 | Government record (Folder) | No |
474178 | Board of Pharmacy | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473449 | Box car shortage | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919-1923 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473450 | Boy Scouts | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473452 | Buckwalter, Dr. Walter | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919-1923 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473451 | Budget | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919-1922 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473470 | Canton - Concordia Requests for Coal | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919-1923 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473453 | Capper, Senator Arther | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919-1923 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473454 | Cement plant - Chanute | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473455 | Charter Board (Blue Sky Law) | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919-1923 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473456 | China Famine Fund | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1921 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473457 | Chiropractic Examiners, Board of | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919-1921 | Government record (Folder) | No |
473458 | Chiropractors | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919-1923 | Government record (Folder) | No |
474185 | Cities of the First Class Proclomations | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919 | Government record (Folder) | No |
474186 | Cities of the Second Class Proclomations | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919 | Government record (Folder) | No |
193802 | Citizenship pardons | Governor's Office. Pardon and Extradition Attorney | 1876-1960 | Government record (Series) | No |
473459 | Civil Service Commision | Kansas. Governor (1919-1923 : Allen) | 1919-1922 | Government record (Folder) | No |
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