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Cemeteries in Kansas, 1906

Results of Query:

Cemetery: All cemeteries
County: Sherman

Page 1 of 1 showing 20 records of 20 total, starting on record 1

Cemetery Name County City or Township Acres
Belleview  Sherman  Grant Township 
New Liberty  Sherman  Grant Township 
Lava  Sherman  Grant Township 
Mennonite  Sherman  Iowa Township 
Mennonite  Sherman  Itasca Township 
Goodland  Sherman  Itaska Township  20 
Freeland  Sherman  Llanos Township 
Catholic  Sherman  Llanos Township 
Dunkers  Sherman  Logan Township 
Dunkers  Sherman  Shermanville Township 
Shermanville  Sherman  Shermanville Township 
Evan Lutheran  Sherman  Smoky Township 
Dunker  Sherman  Smoky Township 
Evangelical Lutheran  Sherman  Smoky Township 
Kanarado  Sherman  State Line Township 
Unnamed  Sherman  State Line Township 
Breusters  Sherman  Union Township 
Shermanville  Sherman  Union Township 
Harmony  Sherman  Voltaire Township 
Edson  Sherman  Washington Township 

List of cemeteries published in the Transactions of the Kansas State Horticultural Society, vol. XXVIII (1906), pp. 325-377. No names of persons buried are included in the report.

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