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Kansas Counties

Franklin County, Kansas

Date Established: August 25, 1855
Date Organized:
Location: Kansas map showing location of Franklin County
County Seat: Ottawa
Origin of Name: In honor of Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), the American statesman and inventor.
Cities & Townships
PlacePopulation (2020 census)
Appanoose Township  344 
Centropolis Township  1,006 
Cutler Township  748 
Franklin Township  3,080 
Greenwood Township  403 
Harrison Township  460 
Hayes Township  431 
Homewood Township  550 
Lincoln Township  833 
Ohio Township  768 
Ottawa (city)  12,625 
Ottawa Township  842 
Peoria Township  646 
Pomona Township  1,128 
Pottawatomie Township  607 
Richmond Township  829 
Williamsburg Township  696 
Total population: 25,996 

Township map of Franklin County, 2000
1860 (3,030)
1870 (10,385)
1880 (16,797)
1890 (20,279)
1900 (21,354)
1910 (20,884)
1920 (21,946)
1930 (22,024)
1940 (20,889)
1950 (19,928)
1960 (19,548)
1970 (20,007)
1980 (22,062)
1990 (21,994)
2000 (24,784)
2010 (25,992)
2020 (25,996)
Other Resources: Post offices in Franklin County
Cemeteries in Franklin County, As of 1906
Newspapers Available on Microfilm
Townships and Independent Cities in Franklin County
Kansas Memory
Links to Other Sites: Franklin County GenWeb
Early Kansas Maps [KanColl]
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