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Kansas Counties

Gove County, Kansas

Date Established: March 11, 1868
Date Organized:
Location: Kansas map showing location of Gove County
County Seat: Gove
Origin of Name: In honor of Capt. Grenville L. Gove of Co. G, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry, who died 7 Nov 1864.
Cities & Townships
PlacePopulation (2020 census)
Baker Township  1,276 
Gaeland Township  52 
Gove Township  181 
Grainfield Township  406 
Grinnell Township  406 
Jerome Township  99 
Larrabee Township  58 
Lewis Township  12 
Payne Township  228 
Total population: 2,718 

Township map of Gove County, 2000
1880 (1,196)
1890 (2,994)
1900 (2,441)
1910 (6,044)
1920 (4,748)
1930 (5,643)
1940 (4,793)
1950 (4,447)
1960 (4,107)
1970 (3,940)
1980 (3,726)
1990 (3,231)
2000 (3,068)
2010 (2,695)
2020 (2,718)
Other Resources: Post offices in Gove County
Cemeteries in Gove County, As of 1906
Newspapers Available on Microfilm
Townships and Independent Cities in Gove County
Kansas Memory
Links to Other Sites: Gove County GenWeb
Early Kansas Maps [KanColl]
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