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Kansas Counties

Kansas County, Kansas [defunct]

Date Established:
Date Organized:
Date Defunct: February 22, 1883
Location: Kansas map showing location of Kansas County
Boundaries: Per the original statute: "Commencing at the intersection of the east line of range 39 west, with the 6th standard parallel; thence south along range line to its intersection with the south boundary of the State of Kansas; thence west along said south boundary line of the State of Kansas to the southwest corner of the State of Kansas; thence north along the western boundary line of the State of Kansas to where it is intersected by the 6th standard parallel; thence east to the place of beginning." Kansas County was swallowed up into Seward County in 1883; the territory today comprises Morton County.
Origin of Name: Named for the Kansas Indians (also called Kansa or Kaw).
History: Kansas County was created in 1873, but was never organized. In 1883, Seward County expanded to include Kansas County. The territory was reestablished as Morton County in 1886.
Population: No Data Available.
Other Resources: Post offices in Kansas County
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