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Kansas Counties

Richardson County, Kansas [defunct]

Date Established: August 25, 1855
Date Organized:
Date Defunct: February 11, 1859
Location: Kansas map showing location of Richardson County
Boundaries: "Beginning at the southwest corner of Shawnee County; thence west 24 miles; thence north to the main channel of the Kaw or Kansas river; thence down said channel to the northwest corner of Shawnee County; thence south to the place of beginning."
Origin of Name: Named for William P. Richardson, a pro-slavery member of the territorial council in 1855 and 1857.
History: Richardson was one of the original 33 counties created by the first territorial legislature. In 1859, what had been Richardson County became a part of Wabaunsee County.
Population: No Data Available.
Other Resources: Post offices in Richardson County
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