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Kansas Counties

Sherman County, Kansas

Date Established: March 20, 1873
Date Organized:
Location: Kansas map showing location of Sherman County
County Seat: Goodland
Origin of Name: Named for General William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891), most famous for his scorched-earth tactics during the Civil War, during the march from Atlanta to the sea. As general commander of the U.S. Army after 1869, he asserted that the aim of Indian policy should be to place the tribes on reservations and make them stay there, and he directed the campaigns through the 1870s that put this policy into practice.
Cities & Townships
PlacePopulation (2020 census)
Goodland (city)  4,465 
Grant Township  74 
Iowa Township  27 
Itasca Township  275 
Lincoln Township  91 
Llanos Township  33 
Logan Township  202 
McPherson Township  44 
Shermanville Township  20 
Smoky Township  55 
Stateline Township  240 
Union Township  64 
Voltaire Township  265 
Washington Township  72 
Total population: 5,927 

Township map of Sherman County, 2000
1880 (13)
1890 (5,261)
1900 (3,341)
1910 (4,549)
1920 (5,592)
1930 (7,400)
1940 (6,421)
1950 (7,373)
1960 (6,682)
1970 (7,792)
1980 (7,759)
1990 (6,926)
2000 (6,760)
2010 (6,010)
2020 (5,927)
Other Resources: Post offices in Sherman County
Cemeteries in Sherman County, As of 1906
Newspapers Available on Microfilm
Townships and Independent Cities in Sherman County
Kansas Memory
Links to Other Sites: Sherman County GenWeb
Early Kansas Maps [KanColl]
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