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Submission Criteria

Kansapedia invites submission of articles from the public on Kansas history. Send inquiries to:



Individuals are invited to submit articles to Kansapedia on topics related to Kansas history. A suggested length for the articles is 500 words. They should be written for the general public.

These articles will be reviewed to ensure that they relate to Kansas history.

Submissions must contain an author credit—title, author, short author biography, date created—as below. 

No articles submitted anonymously will be allowed.

Articles can include footnotes.

We reserve the right to make necessary edits to meet our writing standards.

We also reserve the right to refuse to post offensive or inappropriate content.

Images can be submitted along with articles. Submitters must verify that they have the right to submit the images.

Individuals may also comment but not revise existing articles.

No personal comments will be allowed.

Entry: Submission Criteria

Author: Kansas Historical Society

Author information: The Kansas Historical Society is a state agency charged with actively safeguarding and sharing the state's history.

Date Created: January 2011

Date Modified: July 2022

The author of this article is solely responsible for its content.