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Appendix A--Records Inventory Form

View the records inventory form with Adobe Acrobat (.pdf format) here.

Appendix B--Local Records Management Information Resources

Association of Records Managers and Administrators ( ARMA )
4200 Somerset Dr., Ste. 215, Prairie Village, KS 66208
Phone: 913-341-3808, 800-422-2762, FAX: 913-341-3742

International City/County Management Association ( ICMA )
777 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-289-4262, FAX: 202-962-3500

Kansas Historical Society
Library/Archives Division, Records Management Section
6425 SW 6th Ave, Topeka, KS 66615
Phone: 785-272-8681, FAX: 785-272-8682

National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators
48 Howard Street, Albany, NY 12207
Phone 518-463-8644, FAX 518-463-8656

Society of American Archivists ( SAA )
527 S. Wells, 5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: 312-922-0140, FAX 312-347-1452

Suggested Reading

Keeping Archives edited by Judith Ellis, The Australian Society of Archivists, ( 1993 ). www.archivists.org.au/

Management of Local Government Records: A Guide for Local Officials by Bruce W. Dearstyne, American Association of State and Local History, ( 1988 ). www.aaslh.org

Records Management: A Practical Guide for Cities and Counties by Julian L. Mims
International City/County Management Association, ( 1996 ). www.icma.org

Records Management Handbook by Ira Penn, Gail Pennix, Jim Coulson, Gower Publishing 2nd Ed. ( 1994 )
Information Requirements Clearinghouse

Appendix C--Micrographics Resources

Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM)
The Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) is the leading association for users and providers of document and information technologies. For more information on the following publications contact: AIIM International at 1100 Wayne Ave., Suite 1100, Silver Spring MD 20910; (301) 587-8202 or fax (301) 587-2711. www.aiim.org

AIIM MS 42-1989
Recommended Practice for the Expungement, Deletion, Correction or Amendment of Records on Microforms. This recommended practice will apply to the expungement of microfilmed images. It will specify the methods to use and recommends procedures which establish uniform documentation for such legally ordered removals.

AIIM MS 43-1988
Recommended Practice for Operational Procedures/Inspection and Quality Control of Duplicate Microforms of Documents and from COM. This document provides guidelines for the production of duplicate microforms. MS43 discusses major factors to consider when selecting duplicating film, addresses procedures with a series of reproducible inspection and control charts, and ends with helpful hints on jacket/microfiche enhancements. Of considerable interest is the troubleshooting guide on almost every known problem encountered in microfilm duplication.

AIIM MS 45-1990
Recommended Practice for Inspection of Stored Silver-Gelatin Microforms for Evidence of Deterioration. This document will provide procedures required to inspect camera negative and archival masters, both positive and negative, for mold, fungus, excessive brittleness, film curl, discoloration, scratches, dirt, chemical stains, the presence of redox blemishes, etc.

AIIM MS 48-1990Recommended Practice for Microfilming Public Records on Silver-Halide Film. This standard gives guidelines for converting public documents to silver-halide microforms. Using data abstracted from numerous national and industry standards, these guidelines present in an easy to read and understand format the quality, environmental, and storage specifications generally required for microfilmed public records.

AIIM MS 19-1993Recommended Practice for Identification of Microforms. This standard, also written for the filming of federal, state, local, and other public administrations, describes declarations by the camera operator and the records custodian regarding the authenticity and identification of records. The standard includes sample forms.

AIIM MS 14-1988Specifications for 16mm and 35mm Roll Microfilm. This standard covers general specifications for 16mm and 35mm microfilm for roll applications and reference standards that address material (type of microfilm) and dimensions. In addition, this standard includes information covering the permissible placement of images, film modes, and/or formats, and includes information related to reels, cores, and winding.

AIIM MS 5-1992
Microfiche. Covering all types of microfiche, this standard describes formats, document sizes, and reductions. It explains micro image placement and orientation, and makes recommendations for quality control.

ANSI IT 9.11 - 1991Processed Safety Film - Storage. This standard deals with the storage conditions, storage facilities, and handling and inspection procedures for processed safety photographic film in roll, strip, card, or sheet form, regardless of size.

Suggested Reading

Preservation Microfilming : A Guide for Librarians and Archivists by Nancy E. Gwinn (Editor), Lisa L. Fox (Editor), Association of Research Libraries, 2nd edition ( 1996)

Archives Microfilming Manual by Research Libraries Group’s Archives Preservation Microfilming Project, Nancy Elkington ( Editor ) RLG (1994 )

Appendix D--Electronic Records/Technology/Digital Imaging Resources

The Data Warehousing Institute ( Education and Training )
849-J Quince Orchard Blvd, Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Phone: 301-947-3730, FAX: 301-947-3733

The Digital Government Institute ( Education and Training )
6213 Crathie Lane, Bethesda, MD 20816
Phone: 301-320-4397, FAX:301-320-0268

Government Computer News–State and Local ( Traditional and Online Magazine )
PO Box 3273, Northbrook, IL, 60665
Phone: 800-417-0258, FAX: 847-291-4816

Government Technology ( Traditional and Online Magazine )
9719 Lincoln Village Drive, Suite 500, Sacramento CA, 95827
Phone: 916-363-5000, FAX: 916-363-5197

Appendix E--Disaster Planning/Recovery Resources

Kansas Disaster Recovery Assistance Network ( KDRAN )
c/o Preservation Officer
Kansas Historical Society
6425 SW 6th, Topeka, KS 66615
Phone: 785-272-8681 x. 277, FAX 785-272-8682

American Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
717 K Street NW Ste 301, Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 202-452-9545, FAX: 202-452-9328

Conservation OnLine ( COOL )

Northeast Document Conservation Center
100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810-1494
Phone: 978-470-1010, FAX: 978-475-6021

Library of Congress Preservation Directorate
Washington, D.C. 20540-4500
Phone: 202-707-5213, FAX: 202-707-3434

1438 West Peachtree Street NW
Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30309

This guide is also available in hardcopy from the KSHS Library/Archives Records Management Section.