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Cemeteries in Kansas, 1906

The listing of cemeteries used in this database was published in the Transactions of the Kansas State Horticultural Society, vol. XXVIII (1906), pp. 325-377. The information for specific cemeteries lists only the county, township or city if known, and the size of the cemetery in acres. No names of persons buried are included.

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The list was part of a report authorized by the 1903 legislature. The 1906 report of the Horticultural Society contains the text of the report as well as the listing of cemeteries (pp. 317-383). The KSHS call number for the report is SP 634.06 K13 Vol. XXVIII (1906).

Rowena Horr, a KSHS volunteer, transcribed the information for this database.

Gravestone of John Tecumseh Jones, 1872