Kansas Historical Quarterly - Autumn 1971
Volume 37
Autumn 1971, No. 3
Joseph W. Snell, ed., "Roughing It on Her Kansas Claim: The Diary of Abbie Bright, 1870-1871," (two installments, pt. 1), p. 233. | PDF version
Carolyn B. Berneking, "The Welsh Settlers of Emporia: A Cultural History," p. 269. (Volunteer: Gordon Morgan) | PDF version
Thomas R. Walther, "Some Aspects of Economic Mobility in Barrett Township of Thomas County, 1885-1905," p. 281.
Warren A. Jennings, "The First Mormon Mission to the Indians," p. 288.
Willard B. Gatewood, Jr., "Kansas Negroes and the Spanish- American War," p. 300.
James C. Malin, "Eugene Ware's Literary Chronology," p. 314.
Bypaths of Kansas History, page 333.
Kansas History as Reported in the Press, page 334.
Kansas Historical Notes, page 341.
The Cover
Old Clearwater, as painted in water colors by Jules Tavernier, an artist who came up the Texas (Chisholm) trail early in October, 1873. The store in the background has been mcLean and Russell's Ninnescah ranch house. It is more clearly depicted in the sketch appearing between pages 248, 249.