Native Sons and Daughters of Kansas, 1915-Present
Ms. Collection 214
The initial donation of the Native Sons and Daughters of Kansas collection was made by the organization in 1941. Donations of manuscript material continue on a periodic basis.
Organizational History
Although the early history of the organization is sketchy, the Native Sons were first organized in Topeka in 1902. The purpose of the organization was vaguely defined as being to unite all native Kansans in “one harmonious body” to labor for the best interests of the state. This early manifestation of the organization was not active and dissolved shortly after its founding.
In 1915 the Native Daughters of Kansas was founded by Mrs. Dewitte C. Nellis of Topeka. Essentially a patriotic organization, its purpose was to preserve Kansas history, show loyalty to Kansas traditions, honor pioneer ancestors, and instill ideals of patriotism in youth. In 1918 the Native Sons became active, and in 1919 the two groups began holding joint meetings. Eventually they merged to form the Native Sons and Daughters of Kansas.
In keeping with the organization’s goal of preserving Kansas history, one of the group’s first projects was championing a bill before the state legislature providing for an appropriation to improve John Brown Park in Osawatomie. The organization has been involved in a number of additional projects, including designing a state service flag in honor of Kansas natives who served in World War I, and erecting a monument honoring pioneer women.
Annual meetings are held on the eve of Kansas Day. A yearly factual story contest is held. This tradition began ca. 1931 with a collegiate oratorical contest. It was expanded in 1936 to include a high school essay contest. Today all Kansans are invited to participate.
Scope and Content
The papers of the Native Sons and Daughters of Kansas are divided into five series. The collection should be considered open-ended, and box lists are updated as additional material is received.
Series 1, Factual Story Contest Entries, 1950 - 2004, consists of all contest entries. A list of entries for each year has been prepared by the organization for many of the years and is included with the year’s essays. Winners are identified. Topics for the essays vary, but all deal with some aspect of Kansas history. Series 2 consists of correspondence, 1937 - 1987 and undated. Series 3 includes annual and regular meeting minutes and meeting information, 1937 - 1987. Series 4 consists of membership records for the years 1937 - 1975. Series 5 contains early financial records, 1937 - 1952; historical material; music and songs; scrapbooks, 1915 - 1946; clippings and printed material; and enrollment cards, beginning ca. 1940.
Contents List
Box | Location | Series | Description |
1 | 006-14-05-01 | 1 | Story contest entries, 1950 - 1985. |
2 | 006-14-05-02 | 1 | Story contest entries, 1986 - 1989. |
3A | 006-14-05-03 | 1 | Story contest entries, 1990 - 1991. |
3B | 006-14-06-10 | 1 | Story contest entries, 1992 - 1994. |
3C | 006-14-05-04 | 1 | Story contest entries, 1994 - 1998. |
3D | 108-10-01-01 | 1 | Kansas Factual Story Contest submissions, 2003 - 2004. |
4 | 006-14-05-05 | 2 | Correspondence, 1937 - 1987 and undated. |
5 | 006-14-06-01 | 3 | Meeting minutes and information, 1937 - 1987. |
5 | 006-14-06-01 | 4 | Membership material, 1937 - 1975. |
5 | 006-14-06-01 | 5 | Early financial records, 1937 - 1952 and undated. |
5 | 006-14-06-01 | 5 | Historical material, undated. |
5 | 006-14-06-01 | 5 | Music and songs, undated. |
5 | 006-14-06-01 | 5 | Printed material and clippings. |
ovsz | 017-07-02-01 | 5 | Scrapbook, 1915 - 1941. |
5 | 006-14-06-01 | 5 | Scrapbook, 1943 - 1946. |
6 | 006-14-06-02 | 5 | Enrollment cards, A - B. |
7 | 006-14-06-03 | 5 | Enrolment cards, C - E. |
8 | 006-14-06-04 | 5 | Enrollment cards, F - H. |
9 | 006-14-06-05 | 5 | Enrollment cards, I - Mc. |
10 | 006-14-06-06 | 5 | Enrollment cards, M - Q. |
11 | 006-14-06-07 | 5 | Enrollment cards, R - S. |
12 | 006-14-06-08 | 5 | Enrollment cards, T - Z. |
13 | 006-14-06-09 | 5 | Enrollment cards, part 2, Abbe - Copl. |
14 | 006-14-06-10 | 5 | Enrollment cards, part 2, Copp - Guy. |
15 | 006-14-06-11 | 5 | Enrollment cards, part 2, H - K. |
16 | 006-17-01-01 | 5 | Enrollment cards, part 2, L - O. |
17 | 006-17-01-02 | 5 | Enrollment cards, part 2, Paasch - Snell. |
18 | 006-17-01-03 | 5 | Enrollment cards, part 2, Snell - Zurbucken. |