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Project Archaeology in Kansas

Migration of the Pueblo People to El Cuartelejo - Student Magazine

These three Project Archaeology lessons were written for the classroom by the Kansas Historical Society.

These lessons are available for distribution to classrooms across the state. The lessons can be ordered in sets of 10 for only the cost of shipping and handling.

The Kansas Historical Society works closely with National Project Archaeology to develop classroom materials that will foster an understanding of past and present cultures. The various activities in each lesson are designed with an emphasis on developing reading skills and improving social studies and science education. Additional goals include enhancing citizenship education and preserving our archeological legacy.

Project Archaeology in Kansas is part of a national heritage education program. In 2008 the National Council for the Social Studies endorsed Project Archaeology: Investigating Shelter curriculum.

Based on the "Understanding by Design" concept of Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, the unit supports reading through the content areas of social studies and science. Through critical reading skills, students will be better able to make informed decisions and choices about the world in which they live. The unit consists of three parts: the student magazine, the student journal, and a teacher guide.

Project Archeology in use

It makes a wonderful introduction to ancient cultures. Thanks for writing this. The kids have no connection to ancient Egypt but now they see that they are a culture just like the one in western Kansas. It has been a great start to our Social Studies year.
—Anne Worth, Turner Elementary, Kansas City, Kansas

I will use this material as a way to teach my students about multiple truths or in others words, point of view. Comparing the oral history of the Picuris and the Spanish was a great example that will show students that the information should be put in context.
—Workshop participant

A solid unit we can use with students.
—Workshop participant


Contact State Archeologist, Dr. Nikki Klarmann, 785-272-8681, ext. 269; Nikki.Klarmann@ks.gov for more information.