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Rush County History Bibliography

Image of Kansas map with Rush County highlighted."A.C. Whiteman, Former La Crosse Newspaper Man Writes of Early Days." La Crosse Chieftain. Apr. 15, 1937. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1975).

"Alexander is Oldest Town in Rush County." Alexander Booster. July 12, 1932. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: A 1495).

"Alexander Park in Historic Location [Alexander]." La Crosse Republican. May 2, 1935. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1995).

Bison Centennial History Committee. Bison, Kansas, 1888-1988. Shawnee Mission, KS: Kes-Print, 1988. (K/978.1/-R89/B542).

"Bison Destructive Tornado Just Twenty-Five Years Ago." La Crosse Republican. Apr. 22, 1937. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1996).

"A Brief History of Bison." La Crosse Chieftain. Aug. 18 and 25, and Sept. 1, 1938. [3 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1976).

"C.A. Crotinger Hauled Wood to Fort Larned in the 1870's---Sold His First Seed Wheat for $1 a Bushel." Great Bend Tribune. Dec. 11, 1934. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 373).

"Celebrate [Liebenthal's] 60th Anniversary." La Crosse Chieftain. Sept. 3, 1936. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1975).

Crotinger, William. "Bison Methodism." La Crosse Republican. Nov. 14, 1940. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1997).

Curtis, Mary. "Recollects Early History at County Old Settlers Reunion." [La Crosse] Rush County News. Nov. 27, 1952. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 2005).

"Diamond Jubilee Edition," [La Crosse] Rush County News. May 19, 1949. [76 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: L 2002).

"Early Life of Alexander Reviewed in a Complete and Authentic History." La Crosse Republican. Aug. 13, 1931. [3 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1993).

Goodwin, W.M. "Early Days in La Crosse Recalled by Old Settler." La Crosse Republican. Apr. 1, 1937. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1996).

Kansas Association of Real Estate Agents. Rush County, Kansas. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-R89f).

Kansas State Historical Society. Rush County Clippings, 1879-1996. (2 vols.). Topeka, KS: KSHS, n.d. (K/978.1/-R89/Clipp./v.1-2).

Houser, Margaret H. They Dared to Come: A Biography of the First Settlers of La Crosse. N.p.: Author, 1978. (K/978.1/-R89/L119).

"John Herrman, Sr., 68, Liebenthal Man Dies." Hays Daily News. May 4, 1935. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: H 155).

La Crosse Chamber of Commerce. La Crosse, Kansas, Barbwire Capital of the World. N.p.: Author, n.d. (K/978.1/-R89/Pam.v.1/no. 1).

"Liebenthal Plans Big Celebration." Hays Daily News. Aug. 31, 1936. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: H158).

McCracken Centennial Committee. McCracken, Kansas: Centennial History, 1887-1987. Hays, KS: Printcraft Printers, 1987. (2 vols.). (K/978.1/-R89/M137).

"One of County's Oldest School Districts Goes Out of Existence." [La Crosse] Rush County News. July 3, 1947. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 2000).

Otis Centennial Committee. Otis, Kansas: Prairie to Space, 1886-1986. Shawnee Mission, KS: Kes-Print, 1986. (K/978.1/-R89/Ot4).

"Resident for 67 Years Tells of Early Days in Rush County." [La Crosse] Rush County News. Nov. 6, 1942. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: L 2001).

"Review Club 40 Years Old." La Crosse Chieftain. Sept. 3, 1936. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1975).

Rush County Book Committee. Rush County, Kansas: A Century in Story and Pictures. La Crosse, KS: Rush County News, 1976. (K/978.1/-R89/R89r).

Rush County Centennial. 100 Year Rush: Rush County Centennial, 1874-1974. La Crosse, KS: Rush County News, 1974. (K/978.1/-R89/Pam.v.1/no. 2).

Image of first auto race in Rush County, 1911Rush County, Kansas . . . 125 Years in Story and Pictures. LaCrosse, KS: Rush County News and Creative Publishing, 2001. (K/978.1/-R89/R89ra).

"Rush County [World War I] Honor Roll." La Crosse Chieftain. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1975).

Schwartzkopf, Calvin. The Rush County Seat War. N.p.: Author, 1967. (K/978.1/-R89/Sch96).

"Site of City of Bison Was Once Haunt of the Buffalo." La Crosse Republican. Aug. 25 and Sept. 1, 1938. [2 pp.]. (Microfilm reel: L 1996).

Volga-Germans Centennial Association. Die Liebenthaler und Ihre Kirche: A Bicentennial Tribute, 1776 -- 1876 -- 1976. N.p.: 1976. (K/978.1/-R89/Pam.v.1/no. 3).