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Kansas Records Retention Schedules

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Search Type: State Records
KAR Number: 53-2-184

Page 1 of 1 showing 12 records of 12 total, starting on record 1

Agency Number: 000-001
State General Retention and Disposition Schedule

SERIES ID 0071-000 
TITLE Litigation Case Files 
DESCRIPTION Correspondence, court documents, research materials, reports, press releases, etc. documenting agency litigation activities. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Retain precedent-setting litigation records not scheduled by agency specific schedule 5 years after case is closed, then transfer to the archives. Retain all other litigation records 5 years after case is closed, then destroy. 
RESTRICTIONS Portions may be restricted per KSA 45-221(a)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(11)(14)(20)(25)(29)(30)(47), KSA 60-226, and KSA 60-426. Other restrictions may also apply for an individual agency. 
APPROVED 2015-03-26  ; Revised 2020-07-08
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

Agency Number: 000-002
State General Retention and Disposition Schedule

SERIES ID 0016-000 
TITLE Budget Preparation Files - Annual 
DESCRIPTION Documents used in the preparation of annual agency budget: correspondence, draft budget requests, reports, notes, and other miscellaneous materials. 
RETENTION 5 fiscal years 
APPROVED 2015-03-26  ; Revised 2020-07-08
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

SERIES ID 0239-000 
TITLE Grant Files - Grants Administered by State Agencies 
DESCRIPTION Records regarding the administration of grants awarded by a Kansas state agency to other state agencies and/or local entities. May include applications, correspondence, financial documentation, reports, and other related materials from managing individual grants. Also includes records related to the overall grant program administration, which may include but is not limited to drafts of materials, dissemination information, reference information, grant program rules and guidelines, and summary reports of program outcomes. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Retain individual grant files until final reports are received and audits, if necessary, performed + 1 year, then destroy. Retain unfunded grant applications for 1 year after decisions made and appeals, if any, completed, then destroy. Retain overall grant program administration records until superseded by updated information, then contact the State Archives for appraisal - if not accepted, then destroy. 
APPROVED 2015-03-26  ; Revised 2020-07-08
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

SERIES ID 0238-000 
TITLE Grant Files - Grants Applied for by State Agencies 
DESCRIPTION Applications, supporting documentation, correspondence, and other records relating to federal, state, and private grants applied for by a Kansas state agency. Includes both funded and unfunded/unaccepted grant application records. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Retain 5 fiscal years after the end of the grant period, then transfer initial grant application and any annual and final reports to the State Archives; destroy the remaining documents. Destroy unsuccessful grant applications 5 fiscal years after notification application was not accepted. 
APPROVED 2015-03-26  ; Revised 2020-07-08
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

Agency Number: 046-014
Department of Agriculture
Animal Health

The Kansas Animal Health Department was merged into the Kansas Department of Agriculture in 2011.

SERIES ID 0316-046 
TITLE Animal Health Information Management System 
DESCRIPTION Electronic system containing data and providing pdf and other attachments to manage information regarding account owners, premises, and animal traceability in Kansas. Includes information regarding licensing for veterinarians, feed lots, herds, disposal plants, and other related entities; inspections; vaccinations, quarantines, and disease tracking; complaints and investigations; livestock dealer registrations; and special programs.  
RETENTION See comments 
COMMENTS Retain all data until inactive plus 5 years, except certificates of veterinary inspection for horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, ratites, cervids, and domestic fowl, which shall be retained for 10 years, then destroy or delete. Records of inspections pursuant to the Pet Animal Act citing a deficiency or violation not resulting in an enforcement action shall be destroyed or deleted within 3 years after the division receives notice the deficiency or violation is remedied. 
RESTRICTIONS Portions restricted pursuant to KSA 45-221(a)(20) and (25), KSA 47-674(g), and KSA 47-1709(d) and (i).  
APPROVED 2015-03-26 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

Agency Number: 105-001
State Board of Healing Arts

SERIES ID 0013-105 
TITLE Investigative Case Files 
DESCRIPTION Documents relating to investigations conducted by the Board of Healing Arts staff. Includes complaints, investigative reports, patient records, risk management and peer review records, attorney work product and other information created or received in the course of an agency investigation. 
RETENTION 010 fisc yrs after case is closed 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 45-221(a)(1), (2), (3), (5), (9), (10), (11), (25), (30), (35), KSA 65-2839a, K.S.A. 65-2898a, K.S.A. 65-4915, K.S.A. 65-4925, 42 CFR Part II 
APPROVED 2015-03-26  ; Revised 2015-03-29
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

Agency Number: 296-002
Department of Labor
Division of Staff Services

SERIES ID 0035-296 
TITLE Management Analysis Studies 
DESCRIPTION Surveys, flow charts, budget material, case studies, projects, and reports gathered to review unit cost effectiveness or benefits to the agency. 
RETENTION 005 fisc yrs 
COMMENTS Retain in office 005 fiscal years, then contact the State Archives for appraisal - if not accepted, then destroy. 
DISPOSITION See comments 
APPROVED 2015-03-26 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

Agency Number: 296-003
Department of Labor
Division of Employment Security

SERIES ID 0012-296 
TITLE Benefit Payment Control Fraud File 
DESCRIPTION Prosecutable fraud file. 
RETENTION 005 fisc yrs after file closed 
RESTRICTIONS K.S.A. 44-714(e), K.S.A. 45-221(a)(1) 
APPROVED 2015-03-26 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

SERIES ID 0023-296 
TITLE Fraud Referral Memorandum 
DESCRIPTION Correspondence between Kansas Department of Labor legal and prosecuting authorities. 
RETENTION 005 fisc yrs after file closed 
COMMENTS Located in Benefit Payment Control unit. 
RESTRICTIONS K.S.A. 44-714(e), K.S.A. 45-221(a)(1) 
APPROVED 2015-03-26 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

SERIES ID 0080-296 
TITLE Lien, Final Notice and Tax Warrant Levies 
DESCRIPTION Legal notices on employer underpayment of Unemployment Insurance taxes. 
RETENTION Permanent 
COMMENTS Located in Contributions unit. 
RESTRICTIONS K.S.A. 44-714(e), K.S.A. 45-221(a)(1) 
APPROVED 2015-03-26 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

SERIES ID 0081-296 
TITLE Litigant Filed - Tried Cases 
DESCRIPTION Legal cases involving employers UI tax (Completed Cases), located in Contributions unit. 
RETENTION 005 fisc yrs after file closed 
RESTRICTIONS K.S.A. 45-221(a)(1)(25) and K.S.A. 44-714(e) 
APPROVED 2015-03-26 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

SERIES ID 0108-296 
TITLE Unemployment Tax Collection Legal Files 
DESCRIPTION Copies of lawsuits, tax warrants, bankruptcy claims, and other legal files relating to the determination and collection of state unemployment taxes. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Retain in office 002 yrs after case is settled or closed, then destroy. Originals are maintained with the District Courts. Any original accounting information is maintained in the Delinquent Accounts unit. Located in Legal unit. 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 44-714(e), K.A.R. 50-4-2, K.S.A. 45-221(a)(1) 
APPROVED 2015-03-26 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

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